Monday, January 25, 2010

When I grow up I wanna be Galadriel

So, I work days. My boyfriend works nights. During the night, I receive periodic texts about how his evening is going, what he is up to, or not up to. It’s a great way to wake up, especially if he has a few drinks after work and gets sappy. Last night he wasn’t feeling too well so he stayed home from work and rested. And watched Lord of the Rings, and geeked out. And then told me about It this morning. So I told him I wanted to be Galadriel. She’s smoking hot, and got elf ears. If I ever went ‘the other way’, that might be the way I went. Fantasy elf and all.

My boyfriend on the other hand, wants to be Aragorn, or even Boromir, or Legolas (which cracks me up as I currently have a 3-legged dog that I call Leg-o-less). Or even Merry or Pippin. This does not bode well for our love life. Maybe I’ll change who I want to be to Arwen. That way I can at least hook up with my boyfriend, in this fictitious role-playing grown up land we’re going to. However, not Sam or Frodo….Apparently the sordid love affair between them weirds him out a little. It weirds me out too honestly. Just…you know…admit the love and move on. Closeted hobbits are probably not a good thing. Kinda makes you wonder who’s gonna be on top though?

Honestly I think since they are both rockin that hairy foot look, they’d both be bears…but they’ve got those clean shaven faces, so maybe they are cubs!?

I don’t know! I haven’t studied Hobbit Homosexuality lately.

Guess it’s never too late to start?



  1. The Jew does not like LotR! I barely got through the first movie.

  2. Well. You're retarded. I covered that in the first blog.

