Saturday, August 7, 2010

I love technology

I just got finished reading some rant against facebook (on imdb of all places, where people love to go and rip fellow internet geeks), and I don't get it.

One person claimed the internet is ruining our generation. He doesn't need facebook or a cell phone to keep in touch with old friends, he can just call them from his home phone. Can you believe this. He doesn't have a cell phone. wtf? Why are people so resistant to change? This is the same guy who refused to use a telephone or watch tv until 1960, refused to ride a train til 1910, refused to use written language until whenever the hell 25 yrs after that was invented was.

I had a whole long rant written out but deleted it. It just wasn't worth it. I just wanna pull a Jay & Silent Bob - how many people want to kick some ass? Why do people get so angry cos I have facebook on my phone and check it often? Why is it wrong that I use facebook to get back in touch with old friends? Does that fact that I probably wouldn't have found them another way make our connection worthless?

Oh and while i'm trying not to rant, people who give the Aliens Anthology box set 1 star on amazon cos they didn't like Aliens 3 or Aliens Resurrection should be punched repeatedly in the face because they are fucking clown shoes.

I acknowledge that this is a horribly written, unorganized, you-shouldn't-even-call-it-a-blog post btw. I just needed to get my thoughts down. And I sure as hell wasn't about to post it on imdb.
