Friday, February 26, 2010

What happened to Sesame Street?

So I caught an episode of Sesame Street today. Maybe the first time in 5 yrs or so. All I can say is, WTF happened to it??

There was no Cookie Monster, no Grover, no Big Bird, no Bert & Ernie...the first 10 minutes was a computer animated episode of what I believe was "Abby Cadabby" or something like that. Huh? It was ridiculous. Sesame Street is supposed to be live action and puppets and weird animated shorts that instill in kids a sense of A.D.D.

Now eventually there was a classic-type sketch with Elmo and Ricky Gervais. It made me laugh. It wasn't a classic muppet, but it worked. But then...back to the crap. It was very upsetting. This needs to be rectified or my kids will only watching episodes of Fraggle Rock and The Muppet Show on DVD. Or Holgraphic projector.

Oh before I go, why is it that if I buy a single on itunes, I can't upgrade to the full album when it comes out? That's double dipping. Now I'm gonna be forced to 'steal' BNL's new single until the album comes out in March. Damn you, Apple. Damn you.

- Adam

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Newt here, saying hi

So, it's been a while since I blogged. I was busy breaking up with the boyfriend, collecting midget porn, out of town visiting my father, avoiding people, and just being anti-social in general.
I can't keep a boyfriend for more than 30 days. This has been tried and tested a few times over the past 3 years. I get bored, annoyed, irritated, less than happy, etc. Mostly, it's the bored thing. I think I date like a man. I hunt, I acquire, I move on. And since all of you men are pretty much boring, it doesn't help. I need someone with a bit of personality. My ex is not a bad person, at all. He's very sweet actually, and I hope he finds his way in life and a nicer woman. I need someone not a mouse. Unfortunately I live in Modesto, CA. All the men here are pinheads.
On a happy note though, my tax money came in last Friday. My goals for this afternoon are to
a: Grocery shop
b: Finish paying off FFXIII (And Nier for my spoiled brother! shh don't tell him)
c: Possibly purchase Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno.
Yea. I'm a geek.
Also, since I am a girl, and I like to brag. I bought two new pairs of pants this weekend. A size 11 and also...and they look weird to me, a size 9. Strangely, they fit. I don't think I've worn anything but a double digit since I was approx. 6 years old.
But I tried them on and they fit. Go figure.
Oh and I ordered Up. Cause I'm emo.
And I bought The Jew a belated present, cause I'm always broke.
I've bought a few other things but those are surprises.
Happy V-D Day....
Or whatever it's called.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I don't get crotchless panties

So, I had to have crotchless panties explained to me by a MALE friend today. I am 26, female, and have never really owned lingerie in my life. Perhaps its the pain in the face due to the dentist appointment, or the vicodin running through my system but, I really, truly, could not wrap my head around how these panties worked. I kept imagining the panties just flapping in the breeze at front and back and just not looking cute at all. I have been browsing Fredericks, debating getting some lingerie. And these,default,pd.html?cgid=sa2 are very cute. But I didn't understand how it worked. I get it now. Maybe I'll even get some someday. But, I really didn't understand until 2 minutes ago.
