Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Newt here, saying hi

So, it's been a while since I blogged. I was busy breaking up with the boyfriend, collecting midget porn, out of town visiting my father, avoiding people, and just being anti-social in general.
I can't keep a boyfriend for more than 30 days. This has been tried and tested a few times over the past 3 years. I get bored, annoyed, irritated, less than happy, etc. Mostly, it's the bored thing. I think I date like a man. I hunt, I acquire, I move on. And since all of you men are pretty much boring, it doesn't help. I need someone with a bit of personality. My ex is not a bad person, at all. He's very sweet actually, and I hope he finds his way in life and a nicer woman. I need someone not a mouse. Unfortunately I live in Modesto, CA. All the men here are pinheads.
On a happy note though, my tax money came in last Friday. My goals for this afternoon are to
a: Grocery shop
b: Finish paying off FFXIII (And Nier for my spoiled brother! shh don't tell him)
c: Possibly purchase Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno.
Yea. I'm a geek.
Also, since I am a girl, and I like to brag. I bought two new pairs of pants this weekend. A size 11 and also...and they look weird to me, a size 9. Strangely, they fit. I don't think I've worn anything but a double digit since I was approx. 6 years old.
But I tried them on and they fit. Go figure.
Oh and I ordered Up. Cause I'm emo.
And I bought The Jew a belated present, cause I'm always broke.
I've bought a few other things but those are surprises.
Happy V-D Day....
Or whatever it's called.

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