Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mid Year Movie Update

I feel like I spent a good portion of the year at the movies so far. I guess I haven't seen too many, so hey. But here is my mid summer recap.

District 13: Ultimatum - Never got to see this one. I noticed it was already on sale at the store though so I may need to pick it up.

From Paris With Love - I think this movie was out of the theaters about an hour after it was released. By the time I went to the theater to actually see it, it was gone. I haven't seen it on sale however yet though.

The Wolfman - Also unsurprising I didn't catch this one either. I swear I thought I'd been to the movies more. This one was also gone faster than I made it to the theater.

Shutter Island - Ended up not having the interest in it I thought I would. Rumors abound it didn't do well.

Cop Out - Again, out for like a week? WTH I'm annoyed.

The Crazies - Sigh, didn't see it either. Coworker said it was decent though.

Alice in Wonderland - Perhaps I am strange but I LOVED this movie. I think it was awesome. I heard that it wasn't that great, but actually, I really enjoyed it.

Clash of the Titans - It was ok. the 3-D was absolutely terrible, but the 2-D version was passable. More of a renter, I think.

Repo Men - The movie itself was fairly predictable but I liked it. The soundtrack is phenomenal.

The Losers - A surprise hit I think. Adored it, and have continued to quote it since. BlaGuyver
Kick-Ass - Still want to see this one, I need to get to the theater before it's gone.

A Nightmare on Elm Street - So disappointed. Scowl. They ruined Freddy.

Iron Man 2 - Yea, it was awesome and fun and funny. But, it was pretty linear. I didn't get anything I didn't expect.

Movies I saw that I hadn't thought I'd see:

How to Train Your Dragon - SO FAR MY FAVORITE MOVIE OF THE YEAR!!!!

And that's that. Check back in a few months for the rest.


Friday, May 14, 2010

This is America. Speak English.

I work in a very small but diverse group. I am the only "majority", and I may even be considered a minority since I'm Jewish. The other members of our group are Russian, Vietnamese, Indian and Hispanic. And we all communicated perfectly - in English.

So why am I mentioning this? Well, I saw some friends who joined a Facebook page "This is America. Speak whatever language you want" and it set me off. The page description is "Just because you're American doesn't mean you have to be a closed-minded prick," and there are about 50 different versions of the comment "So hypocritical... wish all "Americans" who say they speak English could actually speak English..." Let me just say right off the bat that this last comment has nothing to do with speaking English. This is a way to take a jab at people without supporting your argument. Someone who can't spell and speaks some weird redneck language still speak English and they can still be understood, usually. Hell, there are probably grammatical and spelling mistakes in this blog.

Nothing bothers me as much as extreme right-wing and left-wing views. In my opinion this is so far liberal it frustrates the hell out of me. I don't expect someone coming to America to already know English. And I don't expect them to learn it in a week or a month. But they SHOULD HAVE to learn it. First off it's highly unlikely they can get a job to support their families if they only know their native language. Secondly, how is everyone supposed to communicate if we don't have a common language? If I moved to France I'd make an effort to learn French. Same goes for Spanish if I moved to Spain, and so on. But I constantly run into situations where a person doesn't understand me because they don't speak English. I actually had to put a note in Spanish on my water bottle that read "No Botar" so that the cleaning lady wouldn't throw out my disposable water bottle. If she had been Chinese I would've had to start hiding my bottles.

Look, I know this is a free country and I love that. I love America and I love that it's a 'melting pot'. Hell I love that there are forums where people can be as liberal or conservative as they like. But there is a point where you just can't let anyone do whatever they want. We can't have everything in every language. Amongst your friends and family you can speak whatever language you like. But if you ever need to interact with other people in America, I'm sorry, but you need to speak English.

- Adam