Monday, January 25, 2010

Mahalo Means You're Retarded (So says Adam the Jew)

Disney movies make me cry. I'm female, yes. I watch movies where people are gutted, body parts are cut off, explosions, blowing up of people and buildings. I can watch a actual autopsy on TV and be like oh nifty. But you throw an animated Disney movie at me and I blubber like a baby. It's pathetic. Lilo and Stitch...bawled. Finding Nemo....Bawled. Beauty and the Beast...(once I got over that hideous nose they saddled Beast with in human form)....bawled. Little Mermaid not so much, that bitch was spoiled rotten. Cinderella, I loved for the mice. I'm trying to collect Disney movies these days on DVD, and it's been an effort. I can't always afford them when they are released, and sometimes I don't know about it until it's too late. But eventually I will have them all. The problem is, I don't open them. In all actuality I should probably buy two copies at a time. One to keep and one to watch. I can watch Disney pretty fanatically. I think I've seen Mulan a good billion times or so. And that was back when it was on VHS. So there.

My neighbor loaned me Up on Blu-ray. I'm gonna cry. I know I'm going to cry. So I am kind of postponing it by writing this blog. A blog that has nothing to do with anything other than saying I'm a total pansy. And that, no matter how old I am, or what else I may watch on TV or at the theater, Disney will make me cry.

And I'm not ashamed to admit it.



  1. I think I have them all, or close to it. They take up the bottom shelf if my DVD unit. Come over and we'll watch them in between Alien movies. Btw my faces are Hercules, Jungle Book and Dumbo. Hell yeah.
    - Adam

  2. That should be faves not faces. How the hell do I edit a comment?!
